Unbound fails to resolve subdomain

Unbound unbound at tacomawireless.net
Fri Mar 12 16:34:45 UTC 2021

On 2021-03-12 01:17, Matthias G. Vossen via Unbound-users wrote:
> Hello everybody! I have encountered an interesting problem which may or may 
> not be
> a glitch in unbound. The problem and several tries to alleviate it have been
> documented in detail here:
> https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/pi-hole-with-unbound-not-resolving-subdomain/45233
> In short, my unbound configuration is able to resolve wunderground.com
> (http://wunderground.com/) without problems, but not
> weatherstation.wunderground.com (http://weatherstation.wunderground.com/). 
> The
> resolve reaches a point where weatherstation.wunderground.com
> (http://weatherstation.wunderground.com/) is referred to 
> rtupdate.wunderground.com
> (http://rtupdate.wunderground.com/), but in total fails to resolve to an IP 
> adress
> and most of the times dig experiences a timeout. A dig to opendns or google 
> dns
> resolves just fine. Configs have been checked and double checked without 
> result. I
> am running unound v 1.9 on raspian buster. Maybe someone has an idea? Best,
> Matthias

On a server that manages over 200 million domains. With knot as authoritative
server, and unbound as recursive client. weatherstation.wunderground.com is
slow to resolve, and is returned as a cloud:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 16538
;; flags: qr rd ra ; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; weatherstation.wunderground.com.	IN	A

weatherstation.wunderground.com.	298	IN	CNAME	rtupdate.wunderground.com.
rtupdate.wunderground.com.	298	IN	CNAME	prod-pws-ng-ingest.pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.
prod-pws-ng-ingest.pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	CNAME	pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.55.126.243
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.61.113.60
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.55.126.244
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.63.130.179
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.63.130.180
pws-ng-prod-iks-wdc-01-997b58a668d15d562a6bed58ea7c5f9e-0001.us-east.containers.appdomain.cloud.	300	IN	A169.61.113.58



;; Query time: 191 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Mar 12 08:27:14 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 310

IOW there are several choices for the path to take, and it's up to your 
client to
choose *which* path to take.



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