Some unexpected failures in the unbound log have started occurring

rgsub1 at rgsub1 at
Tue Nov 5 16:18:47 UTC 2019

I have started to see these errors occurring more frequently:


05/11/2019 14:38:16 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < AAAA IN>: request has exceeded the
maximum number restarts (eg. indirections) stop at

05/11/2019 14:38:16 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < AAAA IN>: request has exceeded the
maximum number restarts (eg. indirections) stop at

05/11/2019 14:38:16 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < A IN>: request has exceeded the maximum
number restarts (eg. indirections) stop at

05/11/2019 14:38:16 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < A IN>: request has exceeded the maximum
number restarts (eg. indirections) stop at


Also these:


05/11/2019 15:46:36 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < DS IN>: 0x20 failed, then got different replies
in fallback

05/11/2019 15:54:35 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[1772:0] error:
SERVFAIL < DS IN>: 0x20 failed, then got different replies in


but when I query all the above with DIG manually all seems to be OK.


And then this oddball which is probably and incorrect configuration
somewhere (but not me?):


05/11/2019 16:10:13 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[15216:0] info:
validation failure < A IN>: DS got unsigned CNAME answer
from and 2606:4700:4700::1001 for DS while building
chain of trust

05/11/2019 16:11:17 C:\Program Files\Unbound\unbound.exe[15216:0] info:
validation failure < A IN>: DS got unsigned CNAME answer
from 2606:4700:4700::1111 and for DS while building
chain of trust


Anything I should be worried about?

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