[RPKI] ROA export seems to fetch only RIPE data

Job Snijders job at ntt.net
Tue Dec 4 19:49:44 UTC 2018

Hi Kurt,

On Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 08:43:57PM +0100, Kurt Wauters wrote:
> I was trying to check if routinator is fetching all ROA from the RIRs prior
> to feeding it to my routers but i've got the impression that he's only
> fetching RIPE data and none of the others.
> I've currently left the installation to it's defaults settings and tals are
> present in .rpki-cache/tals. For ARIN i've followed the procedure to update
> the tal and i'm using following command ./routinator -o test.json -f json.
> I've checked the "repository" directories under the non-ripe folders and
> they contain *.cer files so i guess their fetching
> Any idea what i'm doing wrong or where i should start looking?

What does "grep test.json" show?

Can you run routinator like this, and share the output?

    ./routinator -o test.json -f json -v

What version of routinator are you using?

Kind regards,


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