[RPKI] ROA export seems to fetch only RIPE data

Kurt Wauters kuwauters at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 19:43:57 UTC 2018

Hi guys,

I was trying to check if routinator is fetching all ROA from the RIRs prior
to feeding it to my routers but i've got the impression that he's only
fetching RIPE data and none of the others.

I've currently left the installation to it's defaults settings and tals are
present in .rpki-cache/tals. For ARIN i've followed the procedure to update
the tal and i'm using following command ./routinator -o test.json -f json.

I've checked the "repository" directories under the non-ripe folders and
they contain *.cer files so i guess their fetching

Any idea what i'm doing wrong or where i should start looking?

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