Zone redirecting...bug or noob?

David Coursey david.coursey at
Fri Feb 20 22:21:53 UTC 2004

What is the *proper* way to do forwarding?   I have about 80 zones, but
70 of them forward to other zones.  Like  and    First I had it set up in the nsd.zones file so
that both zones point to the same db file, but that caused a problem.
On my secondary server, I am using named-xfer to do the zone transfers.
When I set up more than one of the zones to point to the same db file,
the secondary server wasn't able to update its zones.  It would check
the serial, determine what needed to be updated, download the data, and
error on the rebuild.  I checked for errors and couldn't find any.  So I
copied the file straight from the primary to the secondary and did a
rebuild.  That worked flawlessly.  So something in the named-xfer messed
everything up.  It only errors for the zones that share a db.

I have attached text files of the zones before and after the transfer.

Thanks, Dave
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