TSIG, multiple masters?

Miek Gieben miekg at atoom.net
Tue Feb 24 10:14:37 UTC 2004

[On 22 Feb, @16:55, Måns wrote in "Re: TSIG, multiple masters? ..."]
> --On Sunday, February 22, 2004 11:23:43 +0100 Miek Gieben <miekg at atoom.net>
> wrote:
> > This is a bug in the script, I briefly looked at it a month ago. The
> > fix is to rewrite the entire tsig handling in the nsdc script. This 
> > will happen for 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 (and maybe also for 1.2.5),
> Ok, as I suspected then. I'll also try a stab at it myself. I suspect
> patches are welcome? 

I looked at it again. The reason that it fails with multiple masters
is that the .tsiginfo file is not recognized correctly ('cause of the space
between the masters' IP).

So I changed the ${masters}.tsiginfo to ${zone}.tsiginfo. If I read the named-xfer
man page correctly you can have multiple masters in one .tsiginfo file.

Måns could you confirm this does "something"? :-)

grtz Miek

diff -u -r1.28 nsdc.sh.in
--- nsdc.sh.in  4 Feb 2004 12:17:07 -0000       1.28
+++ nsdc.sh.in  24 Feb 2004 10:08:28 -0000
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
                        # take care of tsig info file if any
                        unset tsiginfoarg
-                       if [ -f "${keysdir}/${masters}.tsiginfo" ]
+                       if [ -f "${keysdir}/${zone}.tsiginfo" ]
-                               ln "${keysdir}/${masters}.tsiginfo" "${keysdir}/${masters}.tsiginfo.$$"
-                               tsiginfoarg="-T ${keysdir}/${masters}.tsiginfo.$$"
+                               ln "${keysdir}/${zone}.tsiginfo" "${keysdir}/${zone}.tsiginfo.$$"
+                               tsiginfoarg="-T ${keysdir}/${zone}.tsiginfo.$$"
                        $namedxfer -z $zone -f ${zonesdir}/$file ${tsiginfoarg} -s $serial $masters

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