Condition check resulted in Unbound DNS server via resolvconf being skipped

Michael Tokarev mjt at
Thu May 16 09:45:55 UTC 2024

13.05.2024 03:28, subscription2 via Unbound-users wrote:
> I'm running unbound on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and am getting this message when I start unbound. I've posted this issue in the Ubuntu forum, but have had 
> no reply.

This is normal and a do-nothing warning.

In debian (and ubuntu), unbound service startup triggers startup of
unbound-resolvconf service too, - this is to tell resolvconf, if it
is present, about unbound presence.

The condition which you're seeing is in unbound-resolvconf.service:


so the service does nothing if there's no /sbin/resolvconf on your
system.  And systemd is logging this message.  Which is, as I
mentioned earlier, absolutely normal.

Unbound itself works as configured.

This is how the packaging is done in debian.  And while I'm the
maintainer of unbound package in debian, I don't know why it's
done this way, - it was before my time.


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