Condition check resulted in Unbound DNS server via resolvconf being skipped

zebra.squad42 at zebra.squad42 at
Tue May 14 18:10:26 UTC 2024

Copying to list, hopefully dropping all significant identifiable bits.

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 11:20:34AM GMT, subscription2 wrote:

> Just to clarify, the error I get is in syslog

> resolv.conf is a link

> /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf

That looks like you run systemd-resolved too.

What port is unbound configured to listen on? Is it the same port as
resolved (53 if you haven't changed config)? Is localhost included in
the addresses unbound listens to (again, it is by default)?

I think these 2 services are not compatible with each other in their
default config. Probably the simplest way to deal with it is to
disable systemd-resolved completely (you can do that with systemctl).

After that, make a static /etc/resolv.conf (not a symlink to anything)
which can be empty I think, or only contain search directives. And
restart the system. Now resolvconf should notice unbound is installed
and replace resolv.conf with one including a "nameserver"

Alternatively, get rid of resolvconf too, by uninstalling it, and just
have a hand edited resolv.conf including a "nameserver"
line.  This will only work if either unbound is configured as a full
recursive resolver (i.e. no forwarding) or the upstream server(s) it
forwards too are constant (so no wifi hopping and such).



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