unbound does not write pidfile

Simon Deziel simon at sdeziel.info
Mon May 1 12:45:05 UTC 2023


On 2023-05-01 12:20, LibertyX via Unbound-users wrote:
> Hi,
> It has worked a realy long time, but since the last debian (bullseye)
> Update, unbound does not write the pidfile anymore.
> My Setup:
> Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
> Linux 5.10.0-22-amd64
> unbound stable V1.13.1
> In the unbound Config i have configured the pidfile
> pidfile: "/var/run/unbound/unbound.pid"
> i have make the dir "unbound" under /var/run as 775 unbound:unbound
> There is no Message in syslog or the unbound log regarding the pidfile

The systemd service tells unbound not to create a pid (-p), see:


> What have to be done, that the pidfile will be wrote to the condigured dir?

That came up recently in a Debian bug which contains the explanation of 
what to do if you want the PID: 


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