Adding root servers as local secondary zone to local caching server

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at
Fri Sep 3 11:49:25 UTC 2021

 Mark Abram via Unbound-users writes:

 > This is an interesting thread.

Yes, but what I don't understand is the part in this discussion
about the root hints file. Is this just a confusion is the terminology?
Anyway, let me clarify what the root hints are and how they are

As John Levine already states, the root hints play only a rile
during the priming (boots trapping) phase when the resolver starts.
For a full formal description of this process, see RFC 8109
"Initializing a DNS Resolver with Priming Queries"

A somewhat easier to read explanation one can find in the
article titled "Root hints - a collection of operational and
configuration FAQs" (<>).  This
describes this for bind of course,  but the principle is the same
foe most recursive DNS resolvers.

A very short description is the section on "Root Hints" on the IANA
site (<>).

Just as most other resolver, these IANA root hints are actually
always used by unbound since they are compiled in. Only when one
wants to use a completely different root there is a need to supply
a separate root hints file.

Hope this helps.


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