Windows: Rotating the log file

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at
Wed Jan 13 15:27:40 UTC 2021

 "RayG" writes:

 > Having installed a syslog server on my system and as far as I can tell its working in itself. What I cannot find out is where unbound it trying to send messages to. At this point in time it would appear to be the event log which is not what I was expecting use_syslog I would have expected it to go to the local system UDP/TCP on port 514 but that does not seem to be happening.
 > It is not at all helpful to clutter up the eventlog Administrative events with a whole load of unbound error messages (these come from "REFUSED" lookups.

So that apparently listens to port 514.
 > Thinking about this further I would perhaps have expected to see some form of configuration as to where to send syslog messages but again I have found no useful information.
 > So I have to say at this time the windows implementation writing to a physical file seems to be the best option.
 > Perhaps Jaap can shed some light on how syslog is supposed to work on windows and what I can do to facilitate rotating log files given that most of what I have tried and has been suggested has not resulted in a positive outcome.

No, I cann't. I'm not a Windows user so I wouldn't know. If nobody
else on this list answers, I suggest you take this to a "how to run
windows" list. Or just try google.


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Joe Abley <jabley at> 
 > Sent: 12 January 2021 16:55
 > To: RayG <rgsub1 at>
 > Cc: unbound-users at
 > Subject: Re: Windows: Rotating the log file
 > On 12 Jan 2021, at 11:53, RayG via Unbound-users <unbound-users at> wrote:
 > > I took a look at some of those offerings and there does not seem to be 
 > > a "free" one at all. They all want money and at £100 or there abouts, 
 > > that's a bit too much just to get unbound's logging to rotate neatly.
 > > 
 > > I did try and install one and from what I understand, I comment the "# 
 > > logfile:" entry and enable the "use-syslog: yes" and it should all 
 > > work. But I had no luck in getting this to function as it should.
 > Perhaps consider whether Windows is the best platform to be running unbound on?
 > Joe

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