Local rpz ban list format

Mark Abram marek.w.abram at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 15:25:04 UTC 2021

Reading the spec for rpz zone files it is not clear to me what and if I need to specify any sort of specific headers and values.
​I have a static rpz file called rpz.block.hosts.zone where I keep manual entries of my own banned hosts.
​Some examples I found was like this below. Since this is my own static list do I need to add the $TTL and other onfo in the header?
  $TTL 2h
  @ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (1 6h 1h 1w 2h)
     IN NS    localhost.
  example.com        CNAME   .

​Mark Abram
​marek.w.abram at gmail.com
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