Analysing the Costs of DNS, DoT and DoH for the Modern Web

Luiz Fernando Softov fernando at
Tue Aug 6 00:44:37 UTC 2019

Great job, great paper, there is a lot of info no one known.

But, there is some mistakes, like in page 2, column 2:
"DoH is similar to DoT, but uses HTTP as the transport protocol instead of

HTTP is not even on the same layer as TCP.
TCP is a transport-layer protocol, and HTTP is an application-layer
You need at least TCP, UDP or some way to transmit data, then you can made
HTTP protocol things.

Get a read here and in the comments

I stop reading because the "Recursor Default" vs others.

Em ter, 30 de jul de 2019 às 13:11, RayG via Unbound-users <
unbound-users at> escreveu:

> I thought Unbound users may like to have a read of this paper…
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