libevent and libexpat not found

Adam Gold awg1 at
Mon Oct 29 00:28:37 UTC 2018

Thanks Dustin.  Using --with-lib[ ]=/usr worked just fine.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Dustin Marquess" <dmarquess at>
To: "Adam Gold" <awg1 at>
Cc: "Adam Gold via Unbound-users" <unbound-users at>
Sent: 10/29/2018 12:48:44 AM
Subject: Re: libevent and libexpat not found

>You don’t need the ld.conf.d file, as /usr/lib64 should already be 
>covered by the base ld.conf file (anyways, expects 
>directories, not files).
>For configure, either drop the “=“ part altogether (eg, just 
>—with-libevent) or use —with-libevent=/usr as it expects a prefix.
>On Oct 28, 2018, 4:22 PM -0500, Adam Gold via Unbound-users 
><unbound-users at>, wrote:
>>I'm running Centos 7.5 with a 4.19.elrepo kernel and am trying to
>>compile Unbound 1.8.1. My configure options are:
>>./configure --with-libevent=/usr/lib64/
>>--with-libexpat=/usr/lib64/ --enable-checking
>>--enable-static-exe --enable-lock-checks --enable-alloc-checks
>>The specific problem I'm having is getting it to recognize libevent 
>>libexpat (I have installed the header files, expat-devel and
>>libevent-devel as well as the core files). The messages I get are:
>>1) for libevent: 'configure: error: Cannot find the libevent library 
>>2) for libexpat: 'configure: error: Could not find libexpat, expat.h'
>>Also, based on a message board, I saved a file in /etc/
>>called usr-local.conf and wrote /usr/lib64/ and
>>/usr/lib64/ I then saved and entered 'ldconfig' into the
>>terminal and pressed enter. There was no change though.
>>Have I got the names of the libevent and libexpat library files 
>>Where else can I be looking to fix this (FYI, I have 1.8.1 up and
>>running with Debian). While I understand these two libraries are not
>>essential I've experienced markedly improved performance with them in
>>the past so I'd like to try and keep them.
>>Any and all thoughts are most welcome.
>>(P.S. I went back to March in the archives looking for information on
>>this but didn't find any. My luck the answer will be on the page,
>>crystal clear in February).
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