stub/forward-no-cache: patch

publicarray publicarray at
Thu Aug 2 23:09:27 UTC 2018

Hi Bjoern,

Just wanted to make you aware of I think implementing this is a better way to do this but congrats on finding your own fix.


> On 3 Aug 2018, at 8:21 am, Bjoern A. Zeeb via Unbound-users <unbound-users at> wrote:
> Hi,
> sometimes people run unbound as local resolver for a larger network, yet want more immediate changes for their own (internal) zone(s) (ignoring TTL) being visible trying to use stub/forward for this.   The easiest way to accomplish this is to prevent answers from going into the cache or using the cache to answer for those zones.
> I’ve hacked up (with very limited testing) a patch to add a stub-no-cache: <yes/no> and a forward-no-cache: <yes/no>.
> If this is something more people than the ones I know are interested in, let me know,  and I can add the man page bits if needed (and submit it to bugzilla for proper tracking if you prefer).
> Cheers,
> /bz<patch-nocache.diff>

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