stub/forward-no-cache: patch

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Thu Aug 2 22:21:49 UTC 2018


sometimes people run unbound as local resolver for a larger network, yet 
want more immediate changes for their own (internal) zone(s) (ignoring 
TTL) being visible trying to use stub/forward for this.   The easiest 
way to accomplish this is to prevent answers from going into the cache 
or using the cache to answer for those zones.

I’ve hacked up (with very limited testing) a patch to add a 
stub-no-cache: <yes/no> and a forward-no-cache: <yes/no>.

If this is something more people than the ones I know are interested in, 
let me know,  and I can add the man page bits if needed (and submit it 
to bugzilla for proper tracking if you prefer).

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