EDNS module Performance

Alexandre Wicquart alexandre.wicquart at corp.ovh.com
Thu Aug 2 10:07:18 UTC 2018


I'm currently benchmarking EDNS client module for unbound and i can handle about 75/80% less than before.

The tests are made on a Debian Stretch 9.5 with unbound 1.7.3 (I have the same results with 1.6.7).

My server can handle about 280k req/sec without UDP errors and a minimal configuration.

Once i add 'subnetcache' to module-config in my configuration my rate go down to 55k req/sec.

Over this limit, i have a lot of UDP errors.

I have tried to tune some options related to EDNS in unbound.conf, but it doesn't change anything.

Is there a know issue on unbound performance when enabling this feature ?

Best Regards


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