What is the most convenient way for logging request including client source address?

Benno Overeinder benno at NLnetLabs.nl
Mon Nov 14 06:31:09 UTC 2016


Thanks for your feedback and question.

dnstap is indeed a good candidate for detailed logging of Unbound and offloads the Unbound server in case of high-load.  dnstap is open source and is maintained by Farsight Security.  It is actively supported, but the code itself is in good shape and you might not see recent changes in the GitHub repository.

Best regards,

— Benno

> On 13 Nov 2016, at 20:43, iman Khosravi via Unbound-users <unbound-users at unbound.net> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm looking for a way to get detail logging from Unbound with less impact on the performance of our servers.
> I searched around and it seems both unbound itself and other third party modules like Dnstap is capable of logging request/reply with client source address.
> It seems using verbosity of 5 for getting client source address put pressure on unbound performance as i see its some kind of logging information specified as Debug in log files and i got many other thinks that I'm not interested in.
> About Dnstap, I'm not sure if it's still an active project and i could use it with latest Unbound release with confidence.
> Do you have any idea about this topic?
> Thanks in advance

Benno J. Overeinder
NLnet Labs

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