[Unbound-users] Performance tuning tips?

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Tue Feb 5 13:04:58 UTC 2013

Zitat von Jaco Lesch <jacol at saix.net>:

> Andreas
> Here is some info regarding your questions:-
> The portion of unbound.conf pertaining to the "HowTo Optimise":
>         # Optimise settings
>         num-threads: 112
>         #
>         msg-cache-slabs: 64
>         rrset-cache-slabs: 64
>         infra-cache-slabs: 64
>         key-cache-slabs: 64
>         rrset-cache-size: 1024m
>         msg-cache-size: 512m
>         infra-cache-numhosts: 100000
>         #
>         # Larger socket buffer
>         # For Solaris 11 set the following UDP parameter 1st:
>         # 'ipadm set-prop -p max_buf=8388608 udp'
>         so-rcvbuf: 8m
>         so-sndbuf: 8m
>         #
>         outgoing-range: 8192
>         num-queries-per-thread: 4096

Hmm, i would lower "num-queries-per-thread" or leave default and raise  
the "outgoing-range" if the OS permits. From my knowledge the  
outgoing-range limit the max. number of open sockets for upstream  
queries and should be roughly num-threads * num-queries-per-thread, no?

You could also try to lower the num-threads, maybe you have already  
missed the sweet-point with best balance between concurrency and max  
out the hardware.



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