[Unbound-users] patch: rrset-roundrobin/minimal-responses

Daisuke HIGASHI daisuke.higashi at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 11:58:23 UTC 2012

Hi all,

  This patch adds two features to Unbound-1.4.16.

rrset-roundrobin: yes|no (default: no)

  If yes, Unbound rotates RRSet order in response.
  This is almost same as Thijs Kinkhorst's implementation
  except that random number source is query-id.

minimal-responses: yes|no (default: no)

  If yes, Unbound doesn't insert authority/additional sections
  into response message when those sections are not required [1].
  This is similar to BIND9's minimal-responses
  or Google Public DNS behavior.

  Some points in favor:
  - reduces size of response significantly. in addition to bandwidth
    saving, it avoids TCP fallback all possible.
  - improves performance slightly. 5-7% speed-up
    at my Core 2 duo laptop.

[1] minimal-response process is activated when
      RCODE is NOERROR and
      QTYPE matches one of rrset type in answer section.
    (i.e. the response is positive answer)

 Daisuke HIGASHI <daisuke.higashi at gmail.com>
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