[Unbound-users] NOTIFY implementation to unbound

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Tue Oct 6 09:47:41 UTC 2009

Hi Marcus,

my opinion is that this thing doesn't belong to recursive server. It's
probably fine in your specific case, but it doesn't really make sense
in whole DNS scenario.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 19:55, Marcus Alves Grando <marcus at sbh.eng.br> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> We started to test unbound in our internal DNS servers, but when has
> some zone update we need to wait until ttl expire to had a fresh
> information. To solve this problem I implemented NOTIFY part in unbound
> to flush qname in cache.
> I think that can be used in many cases, since most of times we need to
> propagate fast DNS modifications to our DNS internals.
> I need to implement acl yet (notify-access-control), but what
> maintainers think about?
> Best regards
> --
> Marcus Alves Grando
> marcus(at)sbh.eng.br | Personal
> mnag(at)FreeBSD.org  | FreeBSD.org
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Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>

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