[Unbound-users] NOTIFY implementation to unbound

Marcus Alves Grando marcus at sbh.eng.br
Mon Oct 5 18:55:04 UTC 2009

Hello guys,

We started to test unbound in our internal DNS servers, but when has
some zone update we need to wait until ttl expire to had a fresh
information. To solve this problem I implemented NOTIFY part in unbound
to flush qname in cache.

I think that can be used in many cases, since most of times we need to
propagate fast DNS modifications to our DNS internals.

I need to implement acl yet (notify-access-control), but what
maintainers think about?

Best regards

Marcus Alves Grando
marcus(at)sbh.eng.br | Personal
mnag(at)FreeBSD.org  | FreeBSD.org

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