[Unbound-users] Old or incorrect information returned?

Florian Weimer fweimer at bfk.de
Fri Nov 6 08:52:20 UTC 2009

* Haw Loeung:

> The TTL has already lapsed but it is still showing that the domain has been 
> delegated to the old hosting providers nextgen.net when it should be 
> cpanelhost.net.au and hyperservers.com.au as shown below:

The domain is still hosted on nextgen.net, with the old zone contents,
including the old NS RRset.  For a successful transition, the new zone
contents needs to be served from those servers, too.

Florian Weimer                <fweimer at bfk.de>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH       http://www.bfk.de/
Kriegsstraße 100              tel: +49-721-96201-1
D-76133 Karlsruhe             fax: +49-721-96201-99

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