[RPKI] Krill testbed re-initialised

Tim Bruijnzeels tim at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue Aug 3 14:48:16 UTC 2021

Dear list,

We would like to alert anyone using our Krill testbed that it has been re-initialised.

As a result of its apparent popularity our VMs started to use more resources than they were allocated and this resulted in a crash. This was set up as best effort test system, and unfortunately implementing and testing proper back-up and restore procedures for this system were still on our todo list.

In order to restore the testbed functionality we set up a fresh installation using the latest Krill release: 0.9.1. This means that if you were using the testbed for testing your local CA, we will have to ask you to re-initialise a new test CA under the testbed.

On behalf of the NLnet Labs RPKI Team,


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