[RPKI] Invalid identity certificate: validation error with APNIC

Christopher Munz-Michielin christopher at ve7alb.ca
Tue Mar 31 17:39:29 UTC 2020


Trying to get Krill setup with my APNIC account, I've successfully submitted my identity file to APNIC and receivied the parent response, however, once I attempt to import the response krill just kicks back "Invalid RFC8183 XML: Invalid identity certificate: validation error"

The response I got back from APNIC looks alright:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<oob:parent_response xmlns:oob="http://www.hactrn.net/uris/rpki/rpki-setup/" version="1" service_uri="http://rpki.apnic.net/up-down/APNIC-AP/" parent_handle="APNIC-AP" child_handle="A912C8360000"><oob:parent_bpki_ta>MII....


Though the oob: stuff looks a little strange.  I tried removing it but get the same error.

This is the command I am attempting to run:
krillc parents add remote --parent apnic --rfc8183 ./response.xml --ca FRC-CA

I have also tried via the webGUI but it just kicks back "error 400"

Krill version is 0.5.0

Anyone managed to get krill working with APNIC?

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