[RPKI] Routinator 0.8.2-rc1 released

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Sun Dec 6 16:14:45 UTC 2020

0.8.2-rc1 is now running at the SeattleIX.

With 0.8.1:

   1618 afrinic
  62023 apnic
  19149 arin
  11915 lacnic
 110711 ripe

With 0.8.2-rc1:

   1618 afrinic
  62531 apnic
  19149 arin
  11917 lacnic
 110711 ripe

The lacnic change may just have been an update, while the apnic count 
change is dramatic.

Unsure if related, but I noticed that first-run (empty ~/.rpki-cache) took 
about 4 minutes with 0.8.1 but with 0.8.2-rc1 a first run took ~12.5 
minutes.  I emptied ~/.rpki-cache again and a second fresh attempt took
~9.25 minutes.  (subsequent runs with a non-fresh ~/.rpki-cache took 
anywhere from 67 to 72 seconds.)


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