[nsd-users] RRL: Whitelist based on client IP address

Guillaume-Jean Herbiet gjherbiet at restena.lu
Thu Aug 9 08:18:30 UTC 2018


Simple, and possibly silly, question:

I am migrating a config from BIND to NSD (4.1.23) that has rate-limit:

rate-limit {
  responses-per-second 100;
  slip 2;
  ipv4-prefix-length 32;
  ipv6-prefix-length 64;
  exempt-clients { ... };

Hence, I have set the following in my NSD config:

rrl-ratelimit: 100
rrl-slip: 2
rrl-ipv4-prefix-length: 32
rrl-ipv6-prefix-length: 64
rrl-whitelist-ratelimit: 0

I would like to apply the 'rrl-whitelist-ratelimit' to some clients
(identified by source IP) to mimic the 'exempt-clients' option in BIND.

The closest thing I have seen in the '' zone options.

Is RRL whitelisting based on client IP address available in NSD and how
to achieve it?

If not, is NOTIFY/AXFR from/to master servers counted in the RLL?

Thanks in advance.

Guillaume-Jean Herbiet, PhD
System engineer

Fondation RESTENA / dns.lu
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
tel.: +352.424409
fax.: +352.422473
https://www.restena.lu  https://www.dns.lu

Public key ID: 0x3A4C47C7

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