[nsd-users] backend database

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 12:03:47 UTC 2013


> The point of my question is that I would like to use NSD as a DNS server
> for my zones and have the ability to change some IN A records trough a
> custom API to make my own dynamic DNS.

I think you're asking for a REST API or a Web-based interface. Neither
of those exist for NSD, at least not that I'm aware of. If you really
want to go that route, you'd have to create a provisioning system which
subsequently produces zone master files ready for NSD to compile and

(What you _could_ do, but that entails using more software, is to, say,
 set up a PowerDNS authoritative server which has a back-end database,
 and have your NSD slave zones from it. But that is a bit off-topic for
 this list, I think. :)



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