[nsd-users] NSD as slave leaves a child process behind

Ville Mattila vmattila at csc.fi
Tue Oct 13 08:35:40 UTC 2009


On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Ville Mattila wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

>> Of course, if you run nsdc stop, no processes should be kept alive. Is
>> this the case?
> Yes.  'nsdc stop' leaves xfrd process running and returns ok.
>> What does nsdc stop output?
> Nothing really:
> % sudo /usr/sbin/nsdc -c /v/net/ns-secondary.funet.fi/etc/nsd/nsd-isar.conf stop
> % echo $?
> 0

We've now worked around this problem by modifying the nsd init script
to NOT run 'nsdc patch' before 'nsdc stop' in restarts.  No problems
in xfrd shutdown for 3+ weeks and 50+ restarts.

So it seems running 'nsdc patch' (which can take several seconds in our
environment) could prevent nsd/xfrd process termination by 'nsdc stop'.
Can you confirm this?  What can we do to help finding a real resolution
to this?

Ville Mattila, System Specialist, Funet network, CSC
PO Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland, fax +358 9 457 2302
CSC is the Finnish IT Center for Science, http://www.csc.fi/, email:
ville.mattila at csc.fi

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