no response from nsd 2.3.4 with more than 12 server processes

Miek Gieben miek at
Fri Jun 2 12:25:14 UTC 2006

[On 02 Jun, @14:18, Wouter Wijngaards wrote in "Re: no response from nsd 2.3.4 ..."]
> others for it. I think it is the number of processes with a select() on
> the port that causes it. It reliable succeeds with num=9, it reliable
> fails with num=10.

doing some testing on my homemachine (amdX2 64, 2 gig memory):

% ../../nsd -u miekg -N 50 -p 5353 -f soa.db     
% ps x |grep nsd |wc
     52     674    3641

answers just fine:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: NOERROR, id: 31403

It indeed stops answering when I use 150 instances,

  - Miek    
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