which is the vaild a format?

Farkas Levente lfarkas at bppiac.hu
Mon Dec 11 08:46:41 UTC 2006

imho it's nothing to d with other part of the zone, that's why i refer
only this part, but here is a full zone file example:
@       1H      SOA     ns1.example.com.     hostmaster.example.com. (
                        2006120901      ; serial
                        12H             ; refresh
                        2H              ; retry
                        4W              ; expire
                        1H)             ; minimum
                NS              ns1.example.com.
                NS              ns2.example.com.
                MX      10      mx1.example.com.
                MX      20      mx2.example.com.
$ORIGIN example.com.
                CNAME           www
www             CNAME           x
x               A     
ns1             A     
ns2             A     
mx1             A     
mx2             A     
this is not accepted by bind, but accepted by nsd and if use a bind as a
slave for this zone where nsd is the master (which accept this zone)
then got the error which i send originally. so the question it's a bind
bug or nsd?

ps. to turn the pointer is a good idea anyway:-)

Wouter Wijngaards wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you are getting the errors because you put a CNAME at the zone
> apex (example.com). And no other data is allowed next to a CNAME, and
> there is also a SOA record at the apex. This is why bind complains I
> think. But where is your SOA record, I think that is confusing NSD from
> giving a similar (CNAME not allowed with other data) error.
> Roy Arends wrote:
>> On Dec 10, 2006, at 10:38 PM, Farkas Levente wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> after i test nsd i find the following. if i use this in a zone file:
>>> $ORIGIN example.com.
>>>                CNAME           www
>>> www            CNAME           x
>>> x              A     
>>> then it's excepted by nsd what's more give the proper result. if the
>>> slave is nsd than there is no problem, while if the slave is bind i've
>>> got the following error:
>>> ----------------------------
>>> transfer of 'example.com/IN' from resetting
>>> transfer of 'example.com/IN' from failed while
>>> receiving responses: CNAME and other data
>>> transfer of 'example.com/IN' from end of transfer
>>> ----------------------------
>>> and of course bind don't accept the above even if he's the master.
>>> so my question who is right, but most important is there any other way
>>> than define an A record for the domain itself?
>> I'd turn the pointers around, so you'd have
>> $ORIGIN example.com.
>>                 A    
>> www            CNAME          example.com.
>> x              CNAME          example.com.
> Yes good idea.
> Wouter

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

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