a few more notes

Farkas Levente lfarkas at bppiac.hu
Thu Dec 7 14:48:18 UTC 2006

Wouter Wijngaards wrote:
> Farkas Levente wrote:
>>> It will read the zone transfer from disk next time. So it will force one
>>> zone transfer, then store it on disk. Initially it is stored in ixfr.db.
>>> But ixfr.db grows only. To compact your disk space you run nsdc patch.
>>> This writes the information into the zone files, and rebuilds the
>>> database with that information, cleaning out ixfr.db in the process.
>>> Does this answer your questions?
>> yes thanks, besides that all generated files are owned by root and put
>> into the current working dir even if nsd.conf assume relative to the
>> conf file ie. next time nsd have to retransfer all files, what's more
>> nsd assume it already do the patch (nsdc: no patch necessary.) ie. no
>> data in ixfr.db even if wrote into wrong dir:-(
> Sounds like you need the zonesdir: "/path/to/zonefile/directory" feature
> in the config file, is sets the working directory, so it can find files
> for which you specified relative paths.

is not the commented values are the default ones? ie if
# zonesdir: /etc/nsd
than files are relative to it?
but if i run nsdc patch in /root than nsdc put the files into /root.

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

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