multiple IP

Sebastian Castro Avila secastro at
Fri Apr 15 21:12:25 UTC 2005

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:52:02 -0400, Dany V. <danyv at> wrote:

> I've been using NSD for 2 years now, since 1.2.  I've recently set-up a  
> new name server using the latest NSD.  I couldn't find any documentation  
> or message in the mailing list archive regarding multi-homing system.
> Basicly, I have a system which is use as a router and a name server.   
> One is the IP address of the box as a gateway, the other will be use as  
> the IP address of the name server.  The reason I'm not using the same IP  
> for both is that when I move the name server function to a different  
> box, I can simply move the IP to a different box and I won't have to do  
> any modification in my zone.
> With that said, is there a way to tell NSD to listen and reply on one  
> interface and not the other?  Currently, if I dig @server,  
> the reply comes back through the first ip address, and not the secondary.


I had the same problem before. If you want that your server answer the  
question using the same interface that came from, you should specify the  
flag "-a"

nsd -a

You could specify more than one "-a" flag.

Kind Regards
Sebastian E. Castro Avila             sebastian at
Administrador de DNS, NIC Chile
Fono: (2) 9407705                  Fax  : (2) 9407701

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