[ldns-users] drill -k <DS> ?

Miek Gieben miek at miek.nl
Tue Mar 8 10:16:43 UTC 2011

[ Quoting Gilles Massen in "Re: [ldns-users] drill -k <DS> ?"... ]
> > unbound-host -C unbound.conf  and put a stub-zone: "example.com"
> > stub-addr: at 53  or something in there.
> Sure, but as my validation is on a different server for each check, that
> would imply building a custom unbound.conf on the fly. Certainly doable,
> and certainly ugly.

or (also ugly)

unbound-host -C <(echo -e stubzone: example.com\\nstub-addr: at 53)

> (this said, a command-line option to which you could feed any of the
> allowed conf-file statements would be a very nice thing, and solve all
> command-line shortcomings in one go)

That's a nice idea.

grtz Miek
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