[Dnssec-trigger] patchset: incorporate stuff from contrib

Pavel Simerda psimerda at redhat.com
Tue Mar 25 16:04:12 UTC 2014


I'm sending a set of patches that incorporate other stuff from the contrib directory
into the main tree and build/install system. The first two patches are pretty much
straightforward, while the third causes the systemd files only be installed if when
built --with-hooks=networkmanager.

The systemd files indeed expect dnssec-trigger-script to exist and run, but this could
be easily changed by prefixing the path with '-' meaning that the called script is not
required to run and finish successfully and then AC_ARG_WITH(systemdsystemunitdir, ...)
could be used with some magic to detect /usr/lib/systemd/system automatically. Looking
forward to any opinions.


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Name: 0002-merge-dnssec.conf.sample-into-the-base-distribution.patch
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Name: 0003-merge-systemd-service-files-from-compat.patch
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