odd increase in SERVFAIL with "misc failure" reason

Olivier Benghozi olivier.benghozi at wifirst.fr
Wed Nov 6 17:11:33 UTC 2024

Here we observe a big increase of UDP Out queries when updating from 1.21.0
to 1.22.0 (factor x4).
Doesn't seem to be linked to max-global-quota

Le mer. 6 nov. 2024 à 16:33, Yorgos Thessalonikefs via Unbound-users <
unbound-users at lists.nlnetlabs.nl> a écrit :

> Hi Wolfgang, Otto,
> Thanks for bringing this up!
> We also had other operational feedback about the value and we decided to
> bump it up to 200 from the initial 128.
> Still keeping the possible amplification factor for CAMP-style issues in
> the hundreds.
> https://github.com/NLnetLabs/unbound/commit/fd1a1d5fa0f012e8eeaa0ecc89da52d9ca25c216

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