unbound without internet

Olivier Benghozi olivier.benghozi at wifirst.fr
Wed Sep 6 11:21:16 UTC 2023


what I understood (after reading some comments in the patch introducing it,
something is missing in the doc about it) is that, about infra-keep-probing:
- off: dead servers will be tried again (probed) in infra-host-ttl seconds
(that is 15 minutes per default)
- on: they will be tried again every two minutes

Le mer. 6 sept. 2023 à 07:42, Hans Sandsdalen via Unbound-users <
unbound-users at lists.nlnetlabs.nl> a écrit :

> The default is no, so you set it to yes?
> ---
> Manager IT Tromsø
> Space Ground Systems
> Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS
> +47 977 62 632
> *hans at spacetec.no <hans at spacetec.no>**www.kongsberg.com/space
> <http://www.kongsberg.com/space>*
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"tito via Unbound-users" <unbound-users at lists.nlnetlabs.nl>
> *To: *"Hans Sandsdalen via Unbound-users" <
> unbound-users at lists.nlnetlabs.nl>
> *Sent: *Tuesday, September 5, 2023 8:12:06 AM
> *Subject: *Re: unbound without internet
>     infra-keep-probing: <yes or no>
>               If  enabled  the  server keeps probing hosts that are down,
> in the one probe at a time regime.  Default is no.
>               Hosts that are down, eg. they did not respond during the one
> probe at a time period, are marked as down
>               and it may take infra-host-ttl time to get probed again.
> This fixed it for me. Hope this helps.

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