RPZ Was Re: providing CNAMEs for local data (fwd)

Peter Russel jpgpi250 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 07:53:03 UTC 2022

allow and deny can be in a single rpz file.

Example: I'm retrieving (daily) the most abused top level domains, parsing
them into an rpz file from https://www.spamhaus.org/statistics/tlds/.
Some domains I use however need to be allowed. Todays RPZ looks like this
(and it works):

$TTL 30
@ SOA jpgpi250.github.io. hostmaster.jpgpi250.github.io. 2211241509 86400
1800 604800 30
 NS localhost.
*.surf CNAME .
*.fit CNAME .
*.ml CNAME .
*.top CNAME .
*.cyou CNAME .
*.gq CNAME .
*.cn CNAME .
*.live CNAME .
*.ga CNAME .
*.cf CNAME .
neofusgate.samsung.com.cn CNAME rpz-passthru.
dcs-vod.mp.lura.live CNAME rpz-passthru.
drm.mp.lura.live CNAME rpz-passthru.

the unbound configuration looks like this:

name: tld
zonefile: zonefiles/tld.zone
# no rpz-action-override here (exceptions - rpz-passthru)
# rpz-action-override: nxdomain
rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra: yes
rpz-log: yes
rpz-log-name: tld
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