Hostname Discovery

Måns Nilsson mansaxel at
Mon Mar 14 05:19:00 UTC 2022

Subject: Re: Hostname Discovery Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 11:47:52PM +0000 Quoting Steven Wills via Unbound-users (unbound-users at
> This is a little old, but it has promise. I am going to re write it a bit and test this coming week.

Superficially cute, but not RFC 2136 et cetera dynamic DNS.  Just a
fairly slow method.. (imagine setting the crontab entry to once per hour)

And, people who pipe sed into sed or use constructs like grep|tail|awk
have not Read The Fine Manual enough.

REQ_IP=$(/usr/bin/grep ${PASS} ${LOG} | /usr/bin/tail -1 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}')
...can be done as: 

REQ_IP=$(/usr/bin/awk -v pass=${PASS} '$0 ~ pass {ip = $2;}; END {print ip;};' ${LOG})

Finally, to get things back on topic and stop rewriting a "fulhack"[0],
I'm going to go a bit out on a limb and suggest that this perhaps is not
the most appropriate use for nsd. A more feature-complete name server
might be more suited.

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE           SA0XLR            +46 705 989668
Did you move a lot of KOREAN STEAK KNIVES this trip, Dingy?

[0]: A "fulhack" is Swedish for "fast elegant solution to problem", or
     "kludge", depending on how one looks at things.
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