Configure unbound to send correct ECS like Google Public DNS

Joe Abley jabley at
Tue Aug 9 16:40:45 UTC 2022

On Aug 9, 2022, at 17:19, Igor Sverkos via Unbound-users <unbound-users at> wrote:

> When I do the same against our local unbound resolver,


> How can I tell unbound to send the "correct" subnet?

If your resolver is local, why do you need to send ECS at all?

ECS is used to indicate the location of a resolver's client in the case that the resolver and the client are in a different networks, e.g. so that the responses provided by an authoritative server directs client applications to content that is local to the client (end user) and not the resolver.

In your case the source address of the query as received by the authoritative server will already reflect the network that your resolver's client is in, since it's the same network as the resolver. 


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