Unbound 1.13.1 - Cannot resolve host
unbound at fongaboo.com
Fri Jun 25 17:17:28 UTC 2021
No suggestions yet... But writing you directly because I'm wondering if I
can query your unbound server since we're in your house and monkey a bit?
On Fri, 25 Jun 2021, Robert Blayzor via Unbound-users wrote:
> I have a very strange issue with a domain that works on none of my unbound
> caching servers. Looking this domain up directly using bind dig & drill trace
> seems to complete. Also if I asked the authoritative answers all is good. If
> i ask Google or Cloudflare public servers, things are fine.
> Domain: bborganizing.com
> When running through unbound-host debug I get:
> [1624636494] libunbound[49228:0] debug: request has exceeded the maximum
> number of nxdomain nameserver lookups with 6
> [1624636494] libunbound[49228:0] debug: return error response SERVFAIL
> [1624636494] libunbound[49228:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
> [1624636494] libunbound[49228:0] info: validator operate: query
> bborganizing.com. A IN
> Host bborganizing.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL). (error)
> Which is due to the fact it's name server do not seem to resolve. The name
> servers listed are ns6517.hostgator.com and ns6518.hostgator.com. If I asked
> those servers directly, things work, but if I look them up through our
> unbound servers, I get a serve fail.
> Keep in mind, this works through bind name servers and others, just not
> unbound... stumped...
> unbound-host -t a -v -dd ns6517.hostgator.com
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: switching log to stderr
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: module config: "validator iterator"
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] notice: init module 0: validator
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] notice: init module 1: iterator
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 0 is 0
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 1 is 0
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 2 is 0
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 3 is 0
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: target fetch policy for level 4 is 0
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: Reading root hints from named.cache
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: DelegationPoint<.>: 13 names (0
> missing), 26 addrs (0 result, 26 avail) parentNS
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_new
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: priming . IN NS
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets: . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: priming successful for . NS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_subquery event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2):
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3):
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 2 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for ns6517.hostgator.com. A
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 1 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <com.>
> 2001:500:856e::30#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for ns6517.hostgator.com. A
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <com.> 2001:500:856e::30#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: new target dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: new target dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2):
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3):
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 3 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2):
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3):
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 3 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 2 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <net.>
> 2001:501:b1f9::30#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 2 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <net.> 2001:501:b1f9::30#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 1 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <nsone.net.>
> 2620:4d:4000:6259:7:1:0:3#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <nsone.net.>
> 2620:4d:4000:6259:7:1:0:3#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: dns2.p06.nsone.net. A
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <nsone.net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <nsone.net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_subquery event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: ns6517.hostgator.com. A
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <hostgator.com.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sanitize: removing public name with
> private address <ns6517.hostgator.com.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for ns6517.hostgator.com. A
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <hostgator.com.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: prime trust anchor
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: generate keytag query _ta-4f66. NULL
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2): . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3): . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets: . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query _ta-4f66.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving _ta-4f66. NULL IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2): _ta-4f66.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3): _ta-4f66.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets: _ta-4f66. NULL IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: _ta-4f66. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <.>
> 2001:500:2d::d#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query . DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validate keys with anchor(DS):
> sec_status_secure
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: Successfully primed trust anchor .
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_subquery event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validated DS com. DS IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query com. DNSKEY
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 2): com. DNSKEY
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: resolving (init part 3): com. DNSKEY
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets: com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <com.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query _ta-4f66. NULL
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for _ta-4f66. NULL IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:500:2d::d#53
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was NXDOMAIN ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for _ta-4f66.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query _ta-4f66.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: removing 1 labels
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: processQueryTargets:
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: sending query: dns2.p06.nsone.net.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: sending to target: <nsone.net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <nsone.net.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_state_initial event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> dns2.p06.nsone.net. AAAA IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: iterator[module 1] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_reply event:module_event_reply
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: iterator operate: query com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: response for com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: reply from <com.>
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: query response was ANSWER
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: finishing processing for com. DNSKEY
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_module event:module_event_moddone
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query com. DNSKEY
> IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validated DNSKEY com. DNSKEY IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] debug: validator[module 0] operate:
> extstate:module_wait_subquery event:module_event_pass
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: validator operate: query
> ns6517.hostgator.com. A IN
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: NSEC3s for the referral proved no DS.
> [1624637282] libunbound[49252:0] info: Verified that unsigned response is
> ns6517.hostgator.com has no address (insecure)
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