Unbound error with forward override and DNSSec

Laurent Dinclaux laurent at knc.nc
Thu Jun 24 23:27:42 UTC 2021


I use Unbound with OPNsense. I have secured a domain with DNSSec, its DNS
server being on the WAN. It has an office.domain.com subdomain (A record)

I also have a local DNS server where that subdomain is set, so it resolves
locally to local IPs. So I am adding a domain override in Unbound as such,
which is as such in the configuration:

private-domain: "office.domain.com"
domain-insecure: "office.domain.com"

   name: "office.domain.com"

And I get this error in Unbound:

2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: NSEC3s for the
referral proved no delegation
2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: resolving
office.domain.nc. DS IN
2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: query response was ANSWER	
2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: reply from
2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: response for
office.domain.nc. A IN
2021-06-23T20:57:39	unbound[60568]	[60568:1] info: resolving
office.domain.nc. A IN

I understand that error. If I disable the DNSSec feature in unbound, it

But I am wondering if there is anyway to work around that (without
disabling DNSSec checking), and have unbound give back the ANSWER returned
by that local DNS server ?

laurent at knc.nc
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