padding when unbound does not speak TLS?

Christoph cm at
Thu Jul 15 22:24:15 UTC 2021


we run DoH and DoT resolvers where dnsdist
terminates the TLS connection and forwards queries via
plain UDP/53 to multiple unbound instances.

stub --(DoH or DoT)-> dnsdist -(Do53)-> unbound

dnsdist does not support padding [1].	

Unbounds documentation:
>        pad-responses: <yes or no>
>               If  enabled, TLS serviced queries that contained an EDNS Padding
>               option will cause responses padded to the  closest  multiple  of
>               the size specified in pad-responses-block-size.  Default is yes.

suggests that it only supports padding on TLS connections.

Is it possible to enable padding in unbound also in cases where unbound 
does not speak TLS itself?



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