Windows: Rotating the log file

RayG rgsub1 at
Tue Jan 12 16:53:13 UTC 2021

Hi Jaap,

I took a look at some of those offerings and there does not seem to be a
"free" one at all. They all want money and at £100 or there abouts, that's a
bit too much just to get unbound's logging to rotate neatly.

I did try and install one and from what I understand, I comment the "#
logfile:" entry and enable the "use-syslog: yes" and it should all work. But
I had no luck in getting this to function as it should.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap at> 
Sent: 11 January 2021 17:27
To: RayG <rgsub1 at>
Cc: 'Joe Abley' <jabley at>; 'RayG via Unbound-users'
<unbound-users at>
Subject: Re: Windows: Rotating the log file

 "RayG" writes:

 > Hi Joe,
 > I did have a syslog server but the Solarwinds (not flavour of the month
> these days) wanted a shed load of money to keep it up to date. I have not
> looked into trying another one at this time. 
 > IMHO I think this is possible something Unbound on Windows should

The windows file semantibs are apparently different then in UniX.
So syslog sould be my suggestion as well.

There are quite of free syslogs servers for windows, a single google search
give me the following hit
<>. There are
likely more


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