unbound DoH behind nginx

Emre Eryilmaz emre.eryilmaz at piesso.com
Mon Dec 13 20:53:38 UTC 2021


I'm trying to run unbound DoH behind nginx but I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error.
I have configured unbound with the option "http-notls-downstream: yes" for http(no-tls) connection between nginx and unbound.

Nginx configuration:
location /dns-query {
	proxy_http_version 1.1;
	proxy_set_header Connection "";
	proxy_pass http://unbound-doh;

Nginx Error Log:
*1 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream

Unbound Error Log:
comm point start listening 14 (30000 msec)
unbound: [16302:0] debug: startlistening 14 mode r
unbound: [16302:0] debug: http2: session_recv from 172.x.x.x failed, error: Received bad client magic byte string
unbound: [16302:0] debug: comm_point_close of 14: event_del
unbound: [16302:0] debug: close fd 14

So, I couldn't find error reason. What am I missing?


Emre Eryilmaz
emre.eryilmaz at piesso.com
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