Re%3A Failing to reload with - can't bind socket%3A Address already in use for port 953&In-Reply-To=<>

Mark Abram marek.w.abram at
Tue Apr 27 22:12:13 UTC 2021

Well, I did run unbound -dd as suggested and this is where I received the errors in the subject.
Strange that unbound shows /unbound/unbound.conf - no idea why. It maybe a bug, since doing unbound-control start | stop
​does not produce any errors and proper default unbound.conf is picked up. The issue is only with the   reload   part.
​If it was chroot issue it would manifest in more places and/or commands. I will keep investigating.
​directory: /opt/var/lib/unbound​
​chroot: /opt/var/lib
​The reason why I have chroot set like this is so I can keep my rpz files in /opt/var/lib/zones - independent location from unbound installed files. That I don't think should present an issue.​ I am specifing -c location when doing unbound-control.

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