ad flag missing in response to a tlsa query

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at
Fri Jan 3 06:12:22 UTC 2020

On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 08:27:19AM +0100, Claus Assmann wrote:

> > With opt-out, the positive answers can be validated normally but in
> > case of NXDomain, one cannot be sure that there is not an unsigned
> > delegation, since such delegation was opted out of the NSEC3 proof.
> > Therefore, the state of negative answer is only insecure. See
> Now I have to figure out how this information is returned from the
> resolver to the application (which tries to implement DANE for SMTP).

The AD flag is not set.

> Currently my code turns a permanent error into a temporary error if
> the ad flag is not set for the TLSA lookup result but was set for the
> MX/A results (because I thought that might indicate a potential MitM
> attack).

That's a mistake in your implementation.  A loopback validating resolver
is downgrade resistant, it never returns AD=0 for a lookup that should
have returned signed data.  If the client does not set the "CD" bit,
validation either succeeds, or the lookup SERVFAILs.

Note that it is not just "NSEC3 opt-out" that cause TLSA results to be
insecure.  The TLSA RR may also be aliased via a CNAME into an unsigned
zone, or there may be an unsigned delegation of the "_tcp" child node of
the MX host, ...

> However, this seems to be a legitimate configuration/result, but how
> is that information returned by a (validating) resolver?  (this might
> be a question for a different mailing list, sorry).

The validating resolver sets AD=0.  Any non-failure response over a
secure channel (loopback or perhaps rarely IPsec) should not be
second-guessed by the application.

   1. AD=1, RCODE=NOERROR or NXDOMAIN  => Valid signed result or DoE
   2. AD=0, RCODE=NOERROR or NXDOMAIN  => Valid unsigned result or DoE
   3. RCODE=SERVFAIL, ..., timeout     => Lookup failure

DANE applies in case 1, does not apply in case 2, and an MiTM attack may
be responsible for 3, so you skip the MX host.

When the MX host is (despite RFC5321, ...) an alias chain into an
ultimately unsigned zone, RFC7672 suggests checking the security status
of the initial CNAME (make a type=CNAME query with the MX host as
qname), which may be signed, and if so, still look for TLSA RRs of

On the other hand if the MX is a CNAME chain signed at every step to an
ultimately signed A/AAAA RRset, then first check for TLSA RRs at the
destination, and those DoE or are not signed, then check at the source.

Perhaps follow-up to dane-users?  Though this is more of a developer
question, and could perhaps even be for dane at


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