Ubuntu 18.04, unboud 1.6.7 and python module

Christian Kelinski c.kelinski at emetriq.com
Wed Aug 5 09:41:18 UTC 2020


we have a unbound python modul up and running which resolves Hostnames like ip-1-2-3-4.some.domain to Currently our environment is Ubuntu 16.04 and unbound 1.5.8.

Since Ubuntu 16.04 is EOL in some months I want to update our Servers to Ubuntu 18.04. But the module is not working anymore.

First it seems that accessing qstate.qinfo.qname_str in operate() doesn't work. I get an error:
error: pythonmod: Exception occurred in function operate, event: module_event_moddone

No big deal since the info could be retrieved from qstate.qinfo.qname_list

But when calling msg.set_return_msg(qstate) with a DNSMessage Object which has the answer appended it always fails (and unbound returns SERVFAIL). I compiled the documentation for unbound 1.6.7 and tried the "Response generation" example without luck.

I both tried python2 and python3 with same results.

With some small modifications I got the module up and running with Ubuntu 20.04 which ships with unbound 1.9.4. This modified version also works with Ubuntu 18.04 and a from source compiled unbound 1.11.0.

I attached the module to this E-Mail. Doing a "dig

I seems I'm missing something since - based on the documentation - I doing it okay __ Has someone experienced something similar with Ubuntu 18.04/unbound 1.6.7?

Thanks in advance and thanks for creating such a lovely software!

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