Can't get unbound to do DoT

John Levine johnl at
Sun Jun 16 17:17:50 UTC 2019

I'm trying to get my unbound server to handle DoT queries.  I put this
in unbound.conf, restarted it, and it seems happy except that it doesn't
do DoT:

	# ssl stuff
	tls-service-key: /usr/local/etc/unbound/bethkey.pem
	tls-service-pem: /usr/local/etc/unbound/bethcert.pem
	tls-port: 853
	# for later
	tls-cert-bundle: /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem

When I restart it, it says:

Starting unbound.
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating udp4 socket 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating tcp4 socket 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating udp4 socket 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating tcp4 socket 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating udp6 socket fe80::2 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: creating tcp6 socket fe80::2 53
[1560705303] unbound[7166:0] debug: switching log to syslog

Plenty of port 53 service, no port 853.

It's behind a NAT, but so are the clients.  It's FreeBSD 12.0 running
the package, which is unbound 1.9.1.  I looked at the port and I don't
see any options that would affect DoT.

The cert is self-signed, which I wouldn't think would be a problem.

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