DNS-Spoofing with multiple interfaces

Williams, Gareth gareth at garethwilliams.me.uk
Thu Jul 11 07:34:31 UTC 2019


It was a false alarm!

I'm running Unbound on Open-WRT.  This has an option to configure it
using the Open-WRT GUI (Luci).  When the Unbound startup script is
ran, it attempts to configure Unbound for me and it seems it fails.

Fortunately, there's an option to use manual config. When I choose
that option and create a simple unbound.conf things work as expected.

This issue should be raised as an Open-WRT bug.

Kind regards,


On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 at 20:33, Gareth Williams
<gareth at garethwilliams.me.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Unbound (for the very first time - so please bear with me)
> on a router with three interfaces.
> The 1st interface is PPP to my ADSL modem and has an Internet IP
> address 51.x.y.z.  I have global DNS pointing 'nimbus.my.domain.uk' to
> this address.
> The 2nd interfac is WiFi with a private IP address of
> The 3rd interface is an Ethernet connection to my office and has
> another private IP address of  Routing is configured to
> send through this interface, and have a few services in
> this network, including a service which I want to be accessible from
> both internal and the Internet.
> I'm trying to get the Unbound to provide a private IP address to a
> global Internet DNS name with:
>   local-data: "nimbus.my.domain.uk. IN A"
> When I use 'dig', I get confusing results.
> For all interfaces other than the 3rd:
>   dig @<interface IP> -p 1053 nimbus.my.domain.uk
> returns
> However, for the 3rd interface, it returns the Internet IP 51.x.y.z
> which is being resolved by the global Internet DNS.  Why?  I can't see
> any configuration option that would cause this.  I can't see this being
> an RFC1918 issue as works, while the other RFC1918 address
> fails.  At the same time the 51.x.y.z Internet address also works -
> there doesn't seem to be a pattern!
> Note that I'm using a port of 1053 only while I'm testing.
> While I'm sure I couls point all resolvers at as a
> workaround, the fact that I can't figure this out means I'm missing
> something.  I'd rather get to the bottom of this before I continue.
> Thanks,
> Gareth

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